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How do bikes work?

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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:39 pm 
Post subject: How do bikes work?
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Apparently, no one knows.

A bike will continue to essentially steer itself with no rider present and it's wheels will turn when it's about to fall over. Of course, if it hits a bump, it will fall due to the unexpected force.

Theories that have been Disproven:

The Gyroscopic Effect - This effect is where the spinning motion of the tires keeps the bike up much like how a top works. If you spin the top, the sheer spin will keep the top from falling.

The Caster Effect - This effect deals with the angle in which the tires were built on in relation to it's steering axis.

So then someone made a bike that got rid of both of these effects (See link) and the damn thing STILL stays up.

My First theory:

Bikes are roughly light, but they can be heavy. But their thin nature makes me think that when they move forward, the drag from the air is keeping the bike up. When the wheel turns, the drag is causing the wheel to realign, which gives the illusion of it steering itself.

My Second theory:

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Motherfucking Triangles! Being all three sided n' shit, who do they think they are?!

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Messy Recipe:  deleted all the last couple years worth of bots & managed to preserve the two real people that have posted since then xD

so many DELETED spam posts now tho that I think I'll need to automate cleaning those moreso than i already have

Messy Recipe:  sry about the bots :( been busy & havent gotten round to doing the usual cleanup

need to prolly stick this behind cloudflare or something

Drunken Monkey:  doing well, been building a hobby ranch of my own, got married, no kids, only dogs, sheep and a horse

Comradekil:  so anyway, i wonder how everyone's lives all progressed.. who's in jail? who's grandparents now.. ha life
Drunken Monkey:  and yes....i do miss 1942 aswell, i honestly think it is what drove me to get a M1 garand in real live, and is still my most used rifle
Drunken Monkey:  bots are getting silly
Comradekil:  Sup dudes
